Thursday, April 23, 2009

So here's the skinny

I feel embarrassed that I didn't cop on to this fact sooner.

I'm running Pro Tools M-P 7.3 (yeah, I know I should upgrade) and being incompatible with Digidesigns DV Toolkit add on I thought when it came to post production of Video, I was therefore dead in the water.

Last night I stumbled on a (painfully obvious) workaround.

What DV Toolkit offers the Pro Tools user is essentially .omf importability and timecode imbedding. I'm sure there are tons of other features, but primarily this is it.

Last night in my import options was "import video" in the drop down. I've always ignored this as I thought my version of PT was incompatible with DV Toolkit. Witch it isn't, but it does NOT MEAN its incompatible with being able to import a video track! Duh

Timecode imbedding. Don't need it. Its a 3min short and I'm doing everything.

As for the .omf workaround, I simply exported all my individual 26 tracks from FCP and lined them up in PT. Simple!

Sure you get tracks in PT with a lot of silence but once they are imported and aligned you can in turn cut out the silence.

OK this is very time consuming, and considering the DV Toolkit add on is quite expensive AND incompatible with my PT this is quite a good workaround and one I'll be using again in the future.
You just have to be very "secretarial" in your media management as you are using multiple files as opposed to one nice tidy .omf

In fact, all the audio editing & effects spotting I did in FCP I could have done in PT where it should have been done in retrospect. At least now I know.

EDIT: Here, if I export the video from the timeline with "burnt in" timecode, viola! I have timecode lock in Pro Tools. Just saved myself over a grand.


1 comment:

  1. Just found this article from an old Sound on Sound from 2006 ( I catch on late!)

    It explains it a little better than I do.

    Nice to know I'm not doing things that unorthodox after all.


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