Tuesday, May 26, 2009

That syncing feelng

Thank the stars for the internet.

I haven't merged clips in so long I'd forgotten how to do it.

Found this link and of course I slapped my forehead and announced "Duh!"

I receive the sound files tomorrow and then its the best part of a day to sync all the shots. It will probably take longer due to the young fella, but I'll get it done before the weekend. (hopefully)

I captured all the rushes yesterday and spent a good few hours tweaking.

I've sadly found out (again thanks to the web) that there is an anomaly with the HV30's LCD screen. And of course I find this out AFTER we shot. The LCD screen displays the image a lot BRIGHTER than what is actually going to tape. So everything that looked well lit is now super dark after capture.

Absolutely gutted. But I've been playing with settings and plug ins and adjusting the curves and creating composite layers to try and artificially brighten the footage. Some look acceptable, some look downright ugly. Its another case of limitations dictating the style. Who knows, it may end up looking great, the style complimented when its all down to an accident.

As you know trying to lighten a dark image is very troublesome, it adds a lot of noise and grain. The stuff is starting to look like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which would be fine if the film were a horror, but its a balls out comedy with merely a nod to horror.
Then again, Clerks looked like shit but it didn't detract from the humor.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I'll delete this post if the short gets complimented for its visual style in the future.


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