Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wanaka Film Trust

An old friend of mine and fellow filmmaker has started the Wanaka Film Trust in his new home of New Zealand.
He's the grandson of the great Seth Holt, something he is obviously very proud of as he is featured on the poster. Seth made some amazing films in his day, most notably The Nanny and Blood From The Mummies Tomb, both for Hammer Films.

Looks like they've been busy over there on the other side of the world.
Show them your support by dropping by.

1 comment:

  1. Cheers Ian ,
    and hi to NOAF readers .

    WFT is just a fledgling , but we have 2 WFT films premiering this week , here in New Zealand .

    Our aim is to support and encourage film making , educating ,screening , distribution etc. of all kinds of film making .

    We are very keen to screen programmes of shorts . longs and anything else you may have , here in New Zealand . Both from locals and internationals .

    Keep tuned to the WFT blog for details of "Gone In 60 Seconds" - a 1 minute movie jamboree! .
    Basically you will be given a word , and using that as a starting point - go and make a 1 min movie using whatever resources you have at hand . Nothing is too primitive , nor too slick .

    We will screen everything.It will be free to enter.There will be some sort of prizes ,(if anyone can donate anything for this , that would be sweet), although the main aim is to get people to make movies by hopefully removing any real or percieved restrictions. ie. "I can't make a movie , I don't have a fancy HD camera or edit suite ." - Don't care , shoot it on your phone and edit in camera , or make a flick book and hold it up in front of your webcam. Do what ever it takes to make a 60 second flick .

    Details and dates etc. soon .

    Anyone keen to organise a screening in any location , or any questions , or wanting to be added to the WFT mailing list , just check out the Blog and look for the contact email there .

    Cheers all , and thanks again Ian .
    (enjoying your blog)



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