Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day one, done!

Its now almost 2 in the am, and I'm about to hit the hay after a long 13 or so hour day on set.

We managed to assemble the best crew possible at the last minute. Man they were great!
The planets were aligned when this small group of people assembled early this morning at our location in Dartry. Many meeting for the first time on set. Myself included.

After a looong start, such is par for the course on any first day, we finally hit our stride just before lunch, eating up page after page of script before eating copious amounts of el cheapo Lidl food (hey, this is a zero budget production!)

Pretty soon after the shoot began, I threw away my copious shot list notes and we started mixing thing up and changing things on the fly and thats the point we really hit our stride. Shot list, shmot list, who needs them, we're making a fucking movie here!

I of course couldn't have behaved like this if I didn't have such a brilliant script / continuity girl on my back. It was marvelously liberating. Coming from a background in animation and in turn commercials, I've always rigorously adhered to the storyboard, but today I was finally freed from those shackles and it felt like we we're in the zone, so to speak. Highly creative and hugely enjoyable.

My fingers, toes, arms, legs are all crossed that the footage cuts together and we have made a pretty funny comedy.

I was almost kicked off my own set today due to my suppressed snort laughing provoked by the excellent performances of my cast, Tom and Steve, both great comic actors on stage and now finally on film. (Well HDV anyway, but it will look like film when Im finished with it).

I'm going to sign off now, we've a nice late start tomorrow, but its a night shoot, so probably this time tomorrow night I'll be on set.

The glamorous life, I think not.

Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Is it possible to get a hangover from cheap processed german food?


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