Sunday, April 11, 2010

Screenwriter Scratcher PDF Download

Screenwriters. Ever wished your first handwritten notes resembled somewhat a formatted screenplay layout? I know I've tried to decipher scribbled notes in the past where dialogue, headings and action ended up in the same muddled bunch.

There is an answer, in the shape of a pad by the folks over at that allows you to align your handwritten notes into standard screenplay format. The alignment margins are even printed in a nice tone of unphotocopiable blue, which is both easy on the eye and, well unphotocopiable. BUT bizarrely, what is essentially a €2 80 page foolscap pad, costs a whopping $20 & substantially more if your outside the US!

Eh... no thanks...

Then along comes the Unknown Screenwriter. On their site they provide a PDF with their answer to the Everybodys Write pad in the shape of the Screenwriter Scratcher. Free to download and print out and make your very own pad for free. You can also print out on both sides to save the planet (slightly).

I'm printing out a bunch as I type (on both sides), thanks Unknown Screenwriter, who is that masked man?

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