Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Pomodoro Technique

I've just been informed of this time management technique thanks to a tweet from Stu Maschwitz (Author of the DV Rebels Guide & pioneer of Red Giant Magic Bullet software, follow him here).
From his tweet feed he seems to be getting shit done, which as you know is the HARDEST fucking part of any creative process.

I've downloaded a nice little menu Pomodoro thingum from here, its designed for coder's but hay its the exact same principal! It incorporates wonderfully with Growl & Twitter. If you don't use Growl, I highly recommend it to the mac user, its a simple little monitor that informs you what your mac is doing while your working away. Its reassuring and its free and you can download it from here.

Anyway, back to Pomodoro. More information can be found on its official website The Pomodoro Technique. Including a free download of the book among other things.

This blog post is an experimental use of the Pomodoro for me to see if I can get shit done during that short window in the afternoon while my kid has a nap.

To be honest I find this quite exciting knowing there is a countdown going on while I type this post and its getting closer to a chime of some sort.

Never again will I say I don't have the time to do something, I'll just see how many Pomodoro's I can get it done in.

And so ends my first test Pomodoro!

1 comment:

  1. I like it. a good principle to work by. Got to manage to get things done or years just disappear by.


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