Thursday, June 4, 2009

Shane Black no show.

Was looking forward to this this evening. I actually quite like some of the brain dead action movies he has penned.
I haven't seen Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and was keen to see it this evening. But the following was emailed this morning:

Shane Black said, "I've been working on the planning end of many a similar conference, and am all too aware of the inconvenience that a no-show guest inflicts upon the people who've been kind enough to sponsor his trip. This error on my part, though inadvertent, shows a terrible lack of forethought. I call upon what remains of your goodwill and please convey my apologies to those that bought tickets to attend."

Ah well, at least we get a refund for the cost of this evening.

John Moore has been added to the panelists for one of the sections tomorrow, although I fail to see the relevance as he is not a screenwriter. Still, he might have something interesting to say for himself.


  1. I never realised you hadn't seen 'Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang.' I have it on DVD, I'll bring it over next time I'm popping over.

  2. Cheers Steve, I've gotten it since. 3 quid in HMV sale. Still not watched it though...


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