Friday, September 10, 2010

The power of Twitter

Its very cool to read tweets like this:

GET FAT TheOKLAHOMA WARD INDIE MAG' is SWEET WITH @larryjordanfcp @jokeandbiagio @rshorts @CKOlsenPresents @ManMadeMoon

Thats me listed with Larry Jordan the Final Cut Pro guru in Los Angeles, Joke & Biagio the Hllywood based husband & wife producing team behind the TV show Scream Queens, Christopher Olson an Emmy award winning animator & filmmaker and Duncan Jones the writer, director of the amazing science fiction film Moon with Sam Rockwell (&he's also David Bowie's kid).

Imagine my surprise seeing my name listed among them!

I know its not that big of a deal, but its kinda made my day.

Thanks Oklahoma, colour me flattered.

1 comment:

  1. Not long to get your finished film in Big Break contest from and AMC theaters...


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