Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Google Wave For Filmmakers

So i've joined the trendy geek masses and signed up for Google Wave.
I've only been "on" a couple of hours and have yet to experience a fully fledged "wave". I'm working with my web designer for my new website and I see the collaborative nature of GW being useful in that capacity. We had said we would send files back and forth via email, but this certainly seems like a way to streamline the collaborative process, particularly when I schedules and geography keep us apart.

I don't usually collaborate when I'm writing, but if I ever did, I could possibly see GW becoming instrumental for that too... Possibly...

In short, I didn't really see myself using it much at all, perhaps the odd time, that is until I came across the following article from The Chandler Blog.

Google Wave for filmmakers: A concept.

As someone said in the comments section: "It’s exactly this kind of “out of the box” creative thinking that will make Google Wave a success."

I tend to agree.

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